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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Colloquium Presentation: Forests as Storable and Renewable Resources

Colloquium Presentation in Environmental Economics and Economic Growth: Forests as Storable and Renewable Resources

Worked by: Teuku Bahran Basyiran

Presented for: Colloquium of Economic Growth in 2017 at University of Tuebingen, Germany

A Brief Idea about this Presentation:
It discusses the topics about forest, the storable and renewable resources. Forests play a very important role for human living. But the extent of the forest continuously declines as population continues to grow and human needs increase. The decline becomes worse over time due to the economic dilemma in the Third World countries who are holding the largest share of world forest. So, how can the forest resources be sustainable? What should the countries and the world do?

Main Reference:

Tietenberg, Tom (2010). Environmental and Natural Resources Economics: 9th Ed. Chapter 12: 293-319. New Jersey: Pearson.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Advanced Microeconomics Problem Set 1: Preference & Choice (Master Level)


1.      (a). Rationality in preference and choice means that people would prefer to the thing which makes them satisfied instead of other things. It also can be said that these people are likely choosing goods and services in a rational way. When people make a decision, they will consider many factors which can maximize their satisfaction, compare them with the other and also use several information that they have and believe it would make the best decision and choice. There are two properties to describe it further:
1)  Completeness, assumes that there is one thing which would be chosen instead of other things. If there are two goods, let say xand y, people are going to choose instead of or vice versa.
2)  Transitivity is a consistent comparison and behaviour by people toward the goods or choices. For example, a student prefers to study instead of work and he is more likely to work than going long vacation, so therefore this student definitely likes to study instead of going long vacation.

(b). Example from everyday life that violates the property:
       - Completeness: If someone has to choose between the two very similar things, then each thing cannot be better off the other, because these are almost indifferent things for him. For example, croissant from bakery A and bakery B are at price, taste, quality, size and other indicators which could be regarded as indifferent, or are just slightly different. When someone is facing either choosing croissant from bakery A or bakery B, he is unable to make a decision quickly because he does not know what his real preference is, due to the “extremely slightly difference” of the choices.
       - Transitivity: It will be happened if the people are being to be inconsistent. For instance, someone like to eat bread with cheese instead of milk and he will use milk instead of chocolate, but he will choose chocolate instead of cheese, because he prefer to eat bread with a chocolate more than cheese.
So that, violation defines the inconsistent and irrational behaviour of the people (or in this case, the consumer).

Monday, May 14, 2018

Beasiswa DAAD: Pengalaman Awardee di Proses Seleksi & Persiapan Studi

Berkenalan dengan Beasiswa DAAD dan Pengalaman Awardee dalam Proses Seleksi, Persiapan Studi hingga Kuliah Dimulai

Oleh: Teuku Bahran Basyiran

   (Materi ini saya sampaikan di Scholarship Talk DAAD, event organized by Sahabat Beasiswa Chapter Kalimantan Barat)

1.  Introduction

DAAD kepanjangan dari Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, atau in EnglishGerman Academic Exchange Services.

Sebuah lembaga beasiswa yang didanai oleh pemerintah Jerman, dibentuk pada tahun 1925 di Heidelberg (salah satu kota pelajar di Jerman dengan universitas Jerman tertua). Setiap tahun, DAAD supports lebih dari 100.000 local/German studentsdan international students yang tersebar di seluruh dunia.

Source  (untuk selengkapnya)

Kantor cabang di Indonesia adalah DAAD Jakarta, yang didirikan tahun 1990 dan telah mengirim banyak pelajar Indonesia ke Jerman yang jumlah awardees-nya perlahan meningkat dari tahun ke tahun memiliki puluhan.

Jasa yang ditawarkan oleh DAAD adalah (ini hanya yang berkaitan dgn talk ini, i.e. untuk calon awardees): 
-       Individual counselling kesempatan studi dan beasiswa di Jerman.
-       Seminar tentang pendidikan tinggi dan riset di Jerman
-       Partisipasi di Education Fairs

Source selengkapnya)

2.   Program Beasiswa DAAD

DAAD Jakarta punya program beasiswa yang beragam: dari sisi strata pendidikan, bidang studi yang menjadi fokus DAAD, maupun dari sisi lingkup daerah. 

Nah, beasiswa DAAD saya masuk ke dalam kelompok ruang lingkup daerah, yaitu DAAD Aceh Scholarship of Excellence, kerjasama antara Pemerintah Aceh dan DAAD (funding-nya dari Aceh, manajemen beasiswanya dikelola DAAD).

Program-program beasiswa (again, yang relevan untuk talkini):
  • University Summer Courses offered in Germany for Foreign Students and Graduates
  • Study Scholarships for Foreign Graduates in the Field of Arts (Architecture, Music, Visual and Performing Arts)
  • Scholarship for Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS)
  • Helmut-Schmidt-Programme - Master's Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance (PPGG)
  • Master's Scholarships for Sustainable Water Management (NaWaM)
  •  Aceh Scholarships of Excellence (administered by DAAD)